Wednesday 22 May 2013

Final Exam : 30th September - 10th October 2013

Final Assessment : 30th Sept - 10th Oct 2013
Exams! If this word sends jitters down your spine, read on. This year’s exams may be over, but there’s no time like now to help your child start preparing for next year’s grind.
Exams are stressful, and not just for children. Some might say that exam stress hits parents just as hard.
While nothing can replace sheer hard work, there are ways that you, the parent, can help your child to study better:
1. Identify Key Questions:
What are the key questions of the topic that your child is revising? Look for them, and set them as your child’s achievement targets. By giving your child the task of answering these key questions, you will be able to motivate him for subsequent study.

2. Practise, Practise, Practise:
Practise actual test or exam questions. Simply reading a lot of material without applying the methods studied means that they remain as theoretical knowledge. Get your child to practice actual math problems or English sentence constructions.

3. Stay Positive:
Help your child to adopt a positive mindset: have him tell himself that he likes what he is studying and that he wants to do well. It may be necessary for you to sit next to him to encourage him. This will slowly build up his confidence to study independently as he grows older.

Exams are not to confuse but to check your strength for facing and coping up with challenges of life. I wish you good luck in your exams. Just do what is the necessity and God will do the impossibility... Mrs.Lee

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